Join our Patient Participation eForum and give us your views by email (click the link to email us).
The Surgery set up a Patient Participation Group in 2011. They have helped formulate an Action Plan for improvements to service in 2013-2014. We have written a report showing how we engaged patients in helping us shape services. The report includes minutes of the meeting, patient survey results for January – September 2012 and a report on progress against last year’s action plan together with an action plan for 2013-2014.
The second stage of involvement was to set up an email forum where patients can respond by email to suggestions/plans we are considering. This year they have given feedback on our appointments system which have been taken into account in future changes to it.
To read a copy of the latest report click on this link: 2015 2016 Patient Participation Action Plan From April 2013 the Surgery will be subject to inspection by the Care Quality Commission. Click on the CQC panel on the home page for more information or you can watch the YouTube video here to find out more.