Patient Triage
The new way to request an appointment or to send an admin query to the team.
Complete the Patient Triage form
For more information about this new service, go to our Frequently Asked Questions page.
If you wish to book an appointment online you can use your Systmonline account.
Opening times and procedure
We are open 8:30am – 6:30pm Monday to Friday, Our PCN offer a range of appointments at evenings and on a Saturday.
Appointments are available during the hours listed on the Home page. The phone lines are closed daily between 1 and 2pm, except for emergencies.
If you are too ill to come to the surgery and you require a visit at home, please call the surgery before 10:30am. Please state whether you require a visit urgently (to help us assess priority) Please note the doctor may contact you by telephone or video consultation in the first instance.
Automated check – in for pre-booked appointments
When you arrive at the surgery for your appointment, look for our ‘automated check-in’ which is located on the wall near to the town entrance. With just five simple steps you can check yourself in for your appointment without having to queue at reception. This is ideal for those patients who just wish to let us know that they are here. You will still need to see the receptionist if you have any other requirements.
- Touch the screen to start the process
- Touch the screen to select which month you were born
- Touch the screen to select which date you were born
- Touch the screen to select the first initial of your surname
- Select ‘yes’ if your details appear on the screen correctly.
Watch the screen for confirmation that you have been checked in and then take a seat until you are called
We provide
- Morning and afternoon surgery.
- Face to face and telephone appointments. There is a limit to how many patients we can see in a day so you may need to wait for an appointment.
- Urgent Problems Clinic each afternoon for serious conditions that cannot wait until the next day. You will need to tell the receptionist what the nature of the problem is so the doctor can prioritise the return telephone calls.
- Clinics for long term conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, heart disease etc. Also contraception and stop-smoking clinics.
We are not an emergency service. If you have severe or life threatening symptoms then you should call 999 or go to A+E at Colchester or Broomfield.
We are not a “Walk-in Centre”. This is provided at Colchester for those patients that feel that their symptoms cannot wait for the next available appointment at the surgery.
We cannot provide a 10 minute face-to-face appointment for everyone who would like one. We need you to help us by asking for a face-to-face appointment only if it is really necessary. Our GPs offer telephone appointments which are often more convenient for patients. There is also a lot of advice available on our website and from the local pharmacies about dealing with minor illnesses. You can also call NHS 111. Most sore throats, coughs, colds, ear aches, upset stomachs etc do not need a doctor’s advice as they will get better on their own.