The Elizabeth Courtauld Surgery

Patient Group

Find out more about our patient group and how ot join below.

About our PPG

Join our Patient Participation eForum and give us your views by email (click the link to email us). The Surgery set up a Patient Participation Group in 2011. They have helped formulate ... [continue] About our PPG

Friends and Family Test

Please let us know how likely you are to recommend our GP practice to your friends and family.

Join our PPG

Details and application forms are in the waiting room. If you wish to take part, please send your name, date of birth, email address and the sentence “I give consent for ... [continue] Join our PPG

Patient survey and results

Please see the NHS England Survey on our surgery. Click Here If you would like to fill in our quick (only 1 question!) patient survey – click here . Under the ... [continue] Patient survey and results

Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 26th November, 2021