The Elizabeth Courtauld Surgery



Routine and travel vaccinations for all ages are available during surgery times by appointment with our nurses.
If you require a Yellow Fever Vaccination you should use Travel Centres like the one at Springfield Hospital in Chelmsford Tel 01245 234134.

Flu Clinics operate from October with appointments available from mid September. Please ask at reception for more details.


Asthma is very common now, and our nurses have been trained to run a clinic-type service. Modern asthma care has been shown to be most successful at both reducing symptoms and preventing attacks and exacerbations. Even if you have had asthma for many years, you should attend the nurse’s clinics to make sure you are having the most appropriate regime for you; many people who have suffered for years have had their lives greatly improved by a more modern regime. You can complete the Annual Asthma Review Questionnaire online on this link.


Our highly motivated Diabetes Specialist Nurses help patients both newly diagnosed and already living with diabetes, to understand and manage their diabetes with a 21st Century approach. They offer six monthly and annual reviews.

Heart Disease

We review all patients with coronary heart disease once a year. We will advise you on lifestyle and ensure that you are taking the correct medication.

High Blood Pressure

We have a trained nurse who will carry out a regular review of people with high blood pressure.


Patients on Warfarin can have their regular blood tests carried out at the surgery and the results will be made available to them immediately.

Flu Vaccinations for Children

This year, the flu vaccine is being offered to children aged two, three and four years. i.e. your child’s birthday falls on or after 2 September 2009, or on or before 1 September 2012. Practice Nurses and Health Care Assistants will be offering the vaccine, as a nasal spray from October 2014 onwards. An information leaflet can be read by clicking on this link: PHE_8879_Flu+2014_DL_10_web_accessible+(2).pdf

Please click on the following link for the Essex Sexual Health Service Clinic timetable:

Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 2nd February, 2018