Self Treatment of Illnesses and Accidents
There are some patient information leaflets offering practical information and advice on self help for common ailments like back pain, migraine, eczema etc available by clicking here: back-pain-pamphlet, foot-pain-pamphlet, knee-pain-pamphlet,neck-pain-pamphlet, shoulder-pain-pamphlet & tennis-elbow-pamphlet
Back Pain – Back pain is very common and seldom due to anything more than strained muscles or ligaments. X-rays are not usually helpful.
Long term back pain is often related to poor posture, be this at a desk, whilst driving or in bed. Exercise programmes, for example from a physiotherapist, may be of benefit.
Sudden back pain is usually caused by bending or lifting awkwardly – the weight involved need not be great and is in fact often something quite trivial.
If a nerve root is pinched by the muscle spasm, pain may appear to travel down the leg.
The mainstay of treatment is adequate pain relief. Aspirin, paracetamol or anti-inflammatory drugs are all available over the counter and are all that is required for the majority of back pain. They should be taken at regular intervals for several days. If the pain does not ease after a week consult your doctor.
Colds – There is no cure for the common cold, which lasts for seven to ten days. Take plenty of drinks, use paracetamol for headaches and temperatures and inhale over hot water (do not use boiling water) to relieve nasal congestion. Antibiotics do not have any effect on the common cold.
Sore Throats – Most sore throats are caused by viruses which do not respond to antibiotics. They usually last four to five days and respond to the same treatment as for colds.
Vomiting and Diarrhoea – Again, most cases are due to a viral infection and do not require antibiotics. Treat with frequent small amounts of liquid, avoid milk and food for 24 hours. As the stomach settles, take simple solids such as dry biscuits or toast before returning to a normal diet.
Consult your doctor if: vomiting and/or diarrhoea is accompanied by continuous stomach pains; symptoms persist longer than six hours in an infant or smallchild; an attack comes shortly after a visit abroad; the patient or parent is anxious or worried.
Anaphylaxis – Please click on the following link for help on using an Epipen.
How to look after a child with a temperature – Most childhood infections are caused by viruses and do not respond to antibiotics. The main aim of treatment is to try to bring down your child’s temperature and make them feel better.
- Give your child paracetamol (Calpol, Disprol etc) at the maximum dose for that age. Children under the age of 16 years should not be given aspirin.
- Dress your child in cool clothes eg vests, shorts and keep the room cool.
- Give plenty of cool drinks, as fluid is lost with a fever, and encourage small amounts frequently. Try ice lollies etc.
- Sponge your child down with lukewarm water and dry them carefully.
- Repeat the dose of paracetamol every four hours.
- If your child does not improve or appears particularly ill, consult the doctor.
Ill children will always be seen as soon as possible if brought to the surgery. You will not make your child worse by taking them in a pram or car to see the doctor. Often the fresh air makes feverish children feel better.
Depression and Anxiety – The IAPT service in our area is ‘self-referral’ with Talking Therapies which means that a patient can make an appointment without seeing a GP or other health professional first. You can refer yourself by filling in the form by clicking this link: Homepage | HPFT IAPT Services (
If you cannot complete this online, you can pick up a paper referral form from our Reception team.